Glen Grant - 12 Years 700ml

Glen Grant



Under the law of Hong Kong, intoxicating liquor must not be sold or supplied to a minor in the course of business.

 Alcohol%: 40%

The Glen Grant 12 year old is a sublime single malt with a bright golden colour and aromas of orchard fruits and vanilla. The palate reveals mouth-watering layers of apple pie, toffee, caramel and almonds. On the finish, soft summer fruits linger with honey and hints of spice. Winner of the 2016 Gold medal for "Best Speyside Single Malt Scotch Whisky, aged 12-13 Years Old" at the highly respected International Wine & Spirit Competition against fierce competition. A Double Gold award from the San Francisco World Spirits Competition in 2017 followed quickly showcasing the consistent quality of our refined single match Scotch.

1840年的斯貝河(Spey River)畔談起,斯貝河流域可說是孕育蘇格蘭麥芽威士忌最密集的「黃金地段」,當時曾經是私釀者的兩位「格蘭冠兄弟」-約翰(John Grant)與詹姆斯(James Grant)結束了自1823年起的地下事業,興高采烈地取得了釀酒的合法執照,領到證照後的格蘭冠酒廠開始聲名大噪,事業正式起飛,直到今日的21世紀仍是全球威士忌銷售位居前五的蘇格蘭單一麥芽威士忌品牌、2017年《威士忌聖經》的年度最佳蘇格蘭威士忌得獎者。格蘭冠最令人稱道的,就是那純淨輕盈的口感、迷人細緻的水果、堅果風味,與優雅、飽滿平衡的酒體,廣受世界愛酒人士的青睞。  採用特製的蒸餾機與純淨器來精釀威士忌,讓酒體本身保留最珍貴的本色,他金黃色澤與黃金香氣,引動出的絕妙口感,來自於被細心存放在橡木桶且經過時間熟成的過程,創造出清新與天然的威士忌芳醇,盡顯單一純麥的奧妙之處。

